Price Match Guarantee on All out Sea Doo Seascooters
How does price–match guarantee work?
If you find a lower price anywhere else on a new identical item, just show us the lower price when you buy the item and we will match the price and we will refund you the difference.
Which items does price match?
Almost everything we sell. The item must be identical, including model number, components and U.S. warranty. The item must be in stock and available for purchase at that price from an authorized U.S. reseller, whose authorization we reserve the right to verify. The price match is only for companies that have a true website, and blogs, auction sites or other shopping sites may not qualify.
Will match another company’s price when combined with an instant rebate, mail–in rebate, gift check or gift card, or free or discounted item?
We’ll match another company’s final price after deducting an instant rebate. If another company offers a product that comes with a mail–in rebate, gift check, gift card or an equivalent, we will only match the price you pay at the point of purchase and will not take the mail–in rebate, gift check, gift card or equivalent into account. If another company offers a product that comes with a free or discounted item and does not carry the free or discounted item, we will only match the price you pay at the point of purchase and will not take the free or discounted item into account.
Are delivery charges included in the price match?
Yes. Since most orders at shipped for free, when we compare our price to another company’s delivery price, the company’s shipping and handling fees will be added to their price to make a fair comparison against our price. If the other company’s shipping and handling fees are not supplied, we will add what it would cost us to ship the item to the other company’s sale price. Normally it costs us $40-$45 to ship each seascooter.
Are quantities limited on price–matched products?
We may limit the quantities of price–matched items, particularly if the other company does. In addition, we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to a customer.
Bottom Line, is if you find a better deal on a Seascooter well do our best to beat it!